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Therapy for Adults


WE CAN HELP ASSESS and TREAT all adults with learing differences and also swallowing, movement and communciation difficulties.

Case study: James (not his real name) loved actinga nd talking ont he phone to his girlfriend who ws 28 and also had down sydnrome. We helped him learn how to live independently and also to speak more clearly. The occupational therapist helped his ability to use his deteriorating vision at his job in the city as a stationery helper to an art company.

Case Study: Mrs Smith couldnt swallow well anymore after her stroke and needed home modifications. The speech pathologist and occupational therapist went to her nursing home and to her home to help. Her son was very grateful.

Case Study: Addul (names are changed according to privacy legislation) was being challenging at his centre. Witht he help of a communciation ipad program and training to use his words and express his emotions he soon stopped and was able to point to the computer button: Im frustrated or Im hurt or Im happy and complete his art therapy as well. 

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